Remember as a kid how you used to spend ages looking at clouds and finding the fascinating creatures within them? Why did you ever stop?
Cloud watching can be vastly entertaining and all it requires is a warm day (You can do it on cold days too if you don't mind 3rd degree frostbite on your unmentionables), a little sunscreen (That solar ball is rather giving in the melanoma department) and the optional friend or two to sit with you and be unable to see all the figures you’re pointing out because they must be doff, man look, the leg is over there! Over there! *points frantically in vague direction!*
I like to watch clouds as I walk. That one looks like a dog! That one like a dragon reading a book! That one looks like a harp and that one looks like a… OHMIWORD!!!
It’s especially fun when you see an oddly shaped cloud mass and your brain goes into overtime determined to find out what it could be… like maybe it’s a dinosaur with half his leg missing, a mustache and a big floral hat on! Yeah, must be a French dinosaur!
(Of course I’ve also had times when my cloud watching went something along the lines of, “Oh it looks like a bird! And now like a thunderhead that’s going to…” with the rest drowned out as a few 100 000 liters of water proceed to decent upon my head. So remember, timing helps.)
You can even take it a step further and join the Cloud Appreciation society!
Or get some folk together, raise money, claim it's a religious group and watch out for the Great Cloud God to send you messages from the sky! It's your wonky world, go wild!
But, in the end, it’s a nice, day dreamy, immensely satisfying way to spend a chunk of day. Not to mention a lovely way to bond and be silly with your friends, kids or loved one. Young, old or the one pretending to be the other, either way it’s something everyone can really enjoy! So don’t be stodgy! Go lie on the grass look at the sky and see where your mind takes you!
(Oh alright use a blanket if you have allergies or fear ants crawling where they shouldn’t but just get out the house already! *Makes shooing motion* Out! Out! Out!)