Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pretty kitties and those who appreciate them!

My first kitty painting! I painted it as a design for a friend to see if he was interested in it. Bloke said it wasn't orange enough! Ironically here was I thinking it was too orange!Not orange enough, I mean really!

So I painted this cat just cause! It's titled, "Find the orange now you bastard!!"
I get my inspiration where ever I can.

St George gets hist knickers crisped

The classic epic of the knight against the dragon! Me thinks the knight is looking a bit hard boiled!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sea Beast

Here I tried experimenting with black as a background to bring the picture forward. Keeping my taste for vivid colours alive and well though!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The parrot - DUM DUM DUM!!!!

This is my current favorite painting! It was a real challenge and when it was finished, AH, I could have cried! (Mostly because both my hands were cramped from painting...)

My first few paintings - easier to squish em on one blog!

This was my first painting in ages! And then some! But oh, it came out so well! Twas also my first bird I've ever done and first raven (Well I suppose if it's my first bird you could have guessed that!)

These mermaids came second. Inspired by a friend who was calling his potential girlfriend a mermaid. Inspiration comes from odd places indeed!

Third up was this rose. We have the most beautiful roses growing in our garden and this is my tribute to them!

Rob put the mermaid and the rose in his cupboard behind the glass, doesn't that just look fantastic?!

Okay this is my least favourite, I'm not sure why but it doesn't strike a cord in me. I think it's the total lack of bright colours. Still, it has it's own sort of charm.

This goldfish has character, even for such a scaly fellow! :P

All that's missing is the apple! That dark blotch at the top of the painting is not where I blotched it abysmally but my shadow as I leaned over to take the photo. Note to self: Take pics during the daytime!