Oh alright not the last one… right now….
Let me guess the list of negatives outweighs the positives 2 to 1? If I’m right you buy me dinner if I’m wrong, oh well, it happens.
Look negative things, people and particles are everywhere! We get bombarded by negative press and pessimistic views from everyone, often including our own inner voices who geez, need to take a chill pill once in a while!
Some negatives we just can’t get away from, the whiny boss who flies off the handle if you ‘look at him funny-like’, the mother in law whose tongue is the only sharp part about her, the clingy ex who stalks your house and reads your mail and takes all your free samples, or even the news telling us how another toddler got mauled by the pet poodle, isn’t it interesting, oh sad, of course, but interesting hey?
What we have to do is learn to recognize these negativity creators and to realize that they do not control us! We are not passive creatures in our own lives.
Why not start to disassociate yourself from as much of the negative as you can, rather then just take it up the backside and hope that gosh, it will get better. Newsflash little one, it’s not gonna get better and if you just leave it then you’re liable to have it get a whole lot more nasty!
So why not start off small? Maybe ignore the news today, the world will get on without you, promise. If you tend to drink too much coffee, why not balance it out with a glass of water and/or fruit juice between cups? If you feel you’re not getting enough exercise, schedule in a walk with a friend, park your car at the other end of the mall, or heck, bounce around madly to music at home and hope the local peeping tom doesn’t have a youtube account!
Then try move on to bigger things. If your boss tends to rant and rave, let them have their frothing mouth moment, say thank you and continue on with what you’re doing, noting valid criticism and put the rest down to the fact that he’s just being hormonal. Got flipped the bird in traffic this morning and cut off more times then when you phone customer care? So what? You made it to your destination alive, that’s usually a good thing!
Good guys 1
Idiots 0!
Life is based largely on how you view things. Even when you can’t possibly make a negative situation into something good, you can still see the little bit of good in it, pitiful though it might be! Death comes, but aren’t you glad you got to know the person who died and that they were in your life? You get fired? A chance to find work you really will enjoy! The whole world dies of a massive virus and you’re the only one left alone? No more work stress and you can finally read all those books you were planning to!
You have choice, exercise it!
Blast that negative into bite sized chunks! Find the positives in a situation, however small they may be!
You get one life.
This one!!!
Why waste a second more on ugliness then you absolutely have to?!
(Unless you believe in reincarnate in which case here’s hoping you come back as a squirrel with no more worries then the state of your nuts…)

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